Yesterday was my 25th birthday, tada… Happy birthday for me…
Then I realize that up till now I was a lonely boy, grrr… Living alone with friends but no partner. Part of my life was empty, don’t know when will it completed. I was hoping I could find my partner, but where and when. I believe I’ve found her, but it was onesided. Yup I like her he like him, hahaha.. That’s how it works people. Sounds wicked, yup..
Just another birthday nothing really special, but I got to be grateful for all God give to me until now. I get a job, get an income, live in a new place, and get to go to various places I’ve never been. “Alhamdulillah yah, sesuatu banget” maybe that’s how we say it nowaday.
I’ve been thinking this following year, what I really want. Is it money, fame, position, or what! I want nothing at first, but then I meet someone, a colleague. I don’t have any feeling for her at first, but the after I know her more, I didn’t know how, then I like her. I follow her, try to be her bestfriend, and I do. But who am I, she already have someone who loved her and she love him too.
Ah I was to tired to think about it. Whatever happen, happen for a reason. Just do it. Like Steve Jobs said “You can’t connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backwards”