Here i'm, been two weeks in Jakarta. Now already familiar with the busy, hectic, crowded, and the traffic jam. The first 3 day here i was having a diarrhea, must go to the toilet almost every 2 hour, hadeuuh. Take some medicine but it wasn't working, i think my body are doing an adaptation being in a new place. Couldn't bear the poluted air, i was thought the food were poluted too, sigh Jakarta..
Now after two weeks i was used to it. Got a new place to live in after one week stayed in my friend rented house now i live in in my own kosan. A decent one, just a room with a bed and a cupboard no AC, no internet, no Cable TV, and it cost me Rp.700k relative expensive compared to kosan in Bandung. It was ok for me, beside i think i will seek a new one next month when i got my paycheck, can not wait to get my own money, yuhuu..
Now about work, until now i'm not yet get someworks to do at office. Doing nothing a.k.a makan gaji buta lol.. What i was doing everyday is sit, read (pretending lol), browsing, surfing and facebooking haha.. Yeah thats all i do in office. Anyway, others employee also doing that most of their time at office. Disini sibuknya kalau lagi dinas keluar kota aja keknya, kalo lagi dikantor ya nyampah ato ngetik-ngetik surat kalo ga ada rapat.
FYI i'm assign in directorate of gas, specificaly at techical team and special right (tim teknis dan hak khusus). Can't wait to have my first out town service (dinas luar kota) having jalan-jalan, hehe..
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