Jumat, 30 Desember 2011

Quote of The Day

Love is about give and take, if you only give, then you'll get tired, if you only take, then you'll get sick of love

Ya Allah, I’m so tired of loving someone who doesn’t love me. I could get mentally sick if this continue.

Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

Lesson in Life

A wise man sat in the audience and crakced a joke.
Everybody laugh like crazy.
After a moment, he craked the same joke again.
This time, less people laughed.
He cracked the same joke again and again.
When there is no laughter in the crowd,
He smile and said:
You can't laugh at the same joke again and again,
but why do you keep crying over the same thing over and over again.

For She who always feel sad…

Minggu, 18 Desember 2011

If GOD Drop a Stone

A worker at building site climb up to a high wall. One time he need to send an important message to his coworker behind. That man shout at his friend but it didn't work because of the noise come from engines and the other workers, so his effort was useless.

Then to get his friend's attention, he try to throw a coin up front him. His friend them stop working and take the coin and work again. The man try doing it again but it give the same result. Then he get an idea. He grab a small stone and throw it at his friend. The stone hit his friend's head, getting pain, his friend then look up. Now the man can drop a note contain the message.

God sometime use a painful experience to make us look upon Him. He often give us blessing, but it isn't enough to make us look at Him. Therefore it is so right if God drop us a 'stone'.

Jumat, 09 Desember 2011


Karena sesuatu hal, sekarang jadi sering beut buka situs 9gag. Hillarious, lucu, menghibur sekaligus menginspirasi. Pas buat melarikan diri dari kegalauan dan kekejaman dunia (halah). Anyway jangan sampe ketagihan dengan 9gag…