Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

Setahun Sudah..


Apa saja yang terjadi dalam setahun ini, well let me recall it again..

I lost my motorbike

It’s kinda sad, makes me angry, but that was last year. Now I could afford a new one if I want it. But then I think, do I need it, should I buy it, or would be nice if I save the cash for (hmmm I don’t know for what), padahal dulu pernah janji (janji ato keinginan ya, jd pelupa gini) buat mengganti motor yg hilang itu. Dan alhamdulillah setelah bekerja 4 bulan lebih duitnya sudah terkumpul. Cuma kok jadi ragu-ragu gini ya.. Maybe I should asked for my parents oppinions.

Dunia ini memang kind of funny or weird, atau lebih tepatnya kalo Tuhan itu Maha Adil. I lost my motorbike just 2 weeks before I had my thesis seminar. Then one month later I graduated, became unemployed for half a year and got my first job at the beginning of the year. And foila just after a year I lost the motorbike, I already have the enough amount of money to buy a new one.

Pelajarannya, hidup di dunia ini selalu ada yang datang dan pergi, begitu pun dengan rezeki. Always remember anything God give to us, He can take it back anytime, so always be grateful for everything God had given to us.

Bersujud kepada Allah, Bersyukur sepanjang waktu

Alhamdulillah wa syukurillah bersyukur kepada Allah

Opick ft Amanda – Alhamdulillah

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